“max 25 minutes”
•Belirtilen süre içerisinde genel ısınma ve hareketlilik çalışmalarınızı bitirip, boş halter ve daha sonra da yüklü halter ile snatch ısınmanıza devam edin ve son olarak snatch work/1 ilk set kullanacağınız ağırlığa kadar ısınmanızı tamamlayıp başlamaya hazırlanın.
Snatch Work/1
—Emom for 10 minutes—
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
*Sets/1-2-3-4-5 with 70% of 1RM Snatch
*Sets/6-7-8-9-10 with 75% of 1RM Snatch
(scale percentage as needed)
Snatch Work/2
—Alternate Emom for 12 minutes—
1st: Hang Squat Snatch (high hang)
2nd: Hang Squat Snatch (above the knees)
3rd: Hang Squat Snatch (below the knees)
*with 80% of 1RM Snatch
(scale percentage as needed)
Rest as needed
(Aşağıdaki çalışmayı ihtiyacınız olduğu kadar dinlendikten sonra yapabilirsiniz.)
—4 Sets—
*rest 3 minutes between sets
Set/1 and Set/3
In 7 minutes;
30/25 calories Row Erg
25/20 calories Assault Bike
20 Ghd Sit Ups
In the Remaining Time;
Max reps Ring Muscle Up
Set/2 and Set/4
In 7 minutes;
30/25 calories Row Erg
25/20 calories Assault Bike
20 Ghd Sit Ups
In the Remaining Time;
Max reps Strict Hspu
Notes :
Scaling Options for RMU;
a-)Bar Muscle Up
b-)Gymnastics Kipping C2B Pull Up
c-)Gymnastics Kipping Pull Up
d-)Band Assisted Pull Up
Scaling Options for SHSPU;
a-)Kipping Hspu
b-)Feet on Box Hs Push Up
Feet on Box Hs Push Up
c-)Push Up
Substitution Options for Assault Bike;
Airdyne (35/28 calories) or Bike Erg (35/28 calories) or Run (400 m)
Substitution Options for Row Erg;
Ski Erg (30/25 calories)
Scaling/Substitution Options for Ghd Sit Up;
a-)Ghd Sit Up (15 reps)
b-)AbMat Sit Up (25 reps)